The world has mauled biblical standards. In my time through high school, hardly anyone I met wanted a mature partner or a godly relationship; I’ve seen many seek the opposite (and with much desperation). I’ve seen relationships that were terribly toxic and destructive, most having an intimacy originally reserved for marriage (even before any other sort of bonding!). And I see this everywhere.
Dear friends, let us have higher standards–standards set by Scripture, not by lust! “An excellent wife, who can find? She is far more precious than jewels.” (Pr. 31:10). Seek someone with maturity and zeal for Christ, one who will hold your hand up to greater sanctification! I urge you, if you seek, then search for a godly partner. Let godliness be the higher standard you seek. Not only this, but seek to be worth another’s love as you search for it. Make the selfless love of Christ more your own! Seek higher standards of holiness in yourself! Further (here I wish I could say more), know that this kind of love is not and end of its own, but a means to a greater end: to have a deeper love for Christ. Love Christ above all, dear reader. Seek His heart before another’s, and you’ll surely find Him.
In Christ, Jon Nelson